Thursday, August 30, 2007

Lindsay Lohan Caught Doing Drugs in Rehab

Shocker alert. Lindsay Lohan was caught doing drugs and banging some guy in the bathroom at Utah’s Cirque Lodge facility. She’s also frequently late to meetings and refuses to do any chores or menial tasks.

She was allegedly forced to undergo a drug test and the results came back positive. She was then warned if she doesn’t stay clean, she’ll be thrown out of the center.

“Lindsay got called into the director’s office on August 15 and was questioned about drugs. When ordered to take a drug test, she reluctantly complied but screamed and cursed at the medical director before storming out the room. She was told that if she couldn’t conform to the program she’d have to leave.”

I guess in Lindsay’s case, the third time is not the charm. Wonderland, Promises, and now the Cirque Lodge. Sometimes you just have to admit when you’re beat. And I’m sure Lindsay subscribes to the adage, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. Just say they weren’t your pants.

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